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Making a jpeg higher resolution - filling in pixels?


Hi guys.

I've been mucking around with photoshop and have finished up with the image below.

I would like to get it printed on to something but at the current resolution it wont print well at all.

When you zoom in a bit you can see that the grey is not a solid colour, but rather a combination of a few different coloured pixels. Does anyone know how I can make the grey a more solid colour so that I can make the image larger?


  • phone-cover.jpg
    77.9 KB · Views: 7
open the image in PS just change resolution it is now at 72 dpi put it at 300 see it that helps
That seems to have made the edges smoother but I'll have to wait until tomorrow when I can see how a printer goes with it.

Thanks so far though! any other suggestions?
You guys are legends.

The vibrancy slider didnt work but I played around with a few other settings in ACR and got the following result.

I know its not the best but it should print much better than the original. Would love your opinions though!


Just close the gap, apparently I cant post links yet
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You could try converting it to a vector.... give it a little cleanup in Illustrator and then you can print at any size you want. the image seems simple enough that it might work well.
Can you post the PSD, or a version of it without black background? Would be easier to make a vector conversion with that.

Here's what I could get with the current image:


This was just done using Vector Magic, but you can clean it up in Illustrator.


It looks great Gaussian. Just need to clean up the crown slightly but everything else looks top notch.
Right, I didn't bother cleaning it up because I didn't really have time. What you are seeing is pretty much the automatic conversion from VM.
