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making a grid


New Member
I want to make a grid. Not guide lines or for any visual aid but simply a grid of which I can decide the size and line thickness etc.

Thanks in advance!
Not sure what version your using but there is a grid in the shape tool, I believe you can manipulate that to your needs
Do you mean the shape in the custom shapes tool?
That is always a 3x3 grid, I'm not sure if or where I can edit those options.
I myself need such tool sometimes:)

But the one way is to use the Vanishing point filter. Make new layer, go to filter, define the grid, it's size, and choose Render grid from pop menu. To increase the line thickness just select grid opacity and expand the selection.

Not very much but still...
Making a grid is easy. You can customize the size.

Start by opening a new project with a transparent background. Set the project size to 60 x 60 pixels.

Click on the pencil tool and set to smallest (1 px) size.
Zoom in to about 600%.
Turn on the ruler guideline.
Start in the upper left corner and draw a line to the other side. When drawing, hold down shift key to get a perfect straight line.
Draw another straight line at equal points (i.e. @ 20 and 40 by the ruler).
Repeat horizontal lines (or create a vert dup layer and rotate it).
You should end up with 6 lines total, equally spaced apart.
Select all and click Edit > Define Pattern...
Save the pattern and the use a fill to add the grid to any doc.
You can customize the size of the grid by how you create the project size in the beginning.
It's actually quite simple; create a pattern and fill you selection or background with that pattern.
