I will join the others who have said that you are already "hot". No need to do anything, just be comfortable in your skin. But, of course, I can't resist an interesting subject and challenge.
Here's what I did:
1. Made NO changes to color, lighting, saturation, or warping things that can't be changed in the REAL world.
2. In order to make you "thinner", I slimmed your face using the contours you already have, without changing your naturally high cheekbones.
3. I trimmed a bit off your left thigh (from where you're sitting), and also from your right arm, this is very achievable in the real world with diet and exercise. I tried to keep the change within reason.
4. The biggest change I made was to your teeth, by closing the gaps and straightening. Also achievable in the real world with just a bit of dentistry.
5. Color-matched your eyebrows to your hair.
6. Added a touch of lipstick.
Again, I think you look great just as you are, the changes were to meet your request.