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Illustrator Make line shape to have only 45 and 90 degrees angles.


New Member
I have this shape (check image) that I have drawn with the Pen Tool, I want to keep its length but make it so it has only 45 and 90 degrees angles. Im new to Illustrator ive searched on google, but I havent found a solution, hoping you guys here can help me.
I don't use Illustrator and the Illustrator users here aren't around but....

If I'm not mistaken and if adobe uses the same controls for all its products... Holding down the SHIFT+ALT keys will constraint the line drawing movement to 45 or 90 degrees. Click your point then hold down Shift+ALT move the tool in the direction you want (45 or 90) and click the next point and so on so forth or continue on a different angle. .
If you are trying to make this happen after it has been drawn, I don't think it's possible. If you want to constrain the angles to 90 and 45 when you are drawing hold the shift key.
Thanks for the quick responses.
Going from what you guys said I figured that I could activate snap to grid and just use the pen tool from there to retrace my initial shape.

If anyone has a ”smarter” or better way to help with this please post.
