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Mac + Photoshop = ??RAM


New Member
Looking for some input....

....from those that use Photoshop exclusively, every day, all day...500mb-1g files...many layers, filters, etc.

We have great machines at work but only have 6 gigs of RAM, and we all still get the spinning ball and it's always in Photoshop. I know that if we had more RAM we'd be utilizing Phtoshop and our Macs to their full potential. We eat up a lot of RAM with photoshop...do you?

We use Photoshop for everything we design...many regular/adjustment layers, vector art, etc. Can you tell me what you use, what you work on and how much RAM you use or wish you had in your machine. I want to know what you think IS recommended. I need your thoughts....what do YOU use and how well does it work for you?

I know there are many people that will say they have 4-6gig and it's enough, and it may be on general photoshop work, but not with huge/complex files.

Although a precise estimation of how much RAM you would need for smooth functioning cannot be answered easily,I think you should buy as much RAM as you can afford and also keep in mind about your computer's motherboard.Newer DDR-III RAM comes in much faster variants and going in for DDR-III 1333 MHz can really help you when compared with older and slower RAM.
I have 12GB on my main work box. I think it's plenty, but I want more for After Effects :)

The speed of your processor is probably going to be the limiting factor for most things after you have "enough" RAM.

Also having a fast SSD hard drive for both your OS and scratch disks is a tremendous boost.
Newer versions of most software also support multi-core processors and going in for a quad-core processor is bound to give you a performance boost.

Remember, its not all about RAM. Its a combination of RAM, CPU, CPU speed, number of cores, kind of hard disk used and other factors.
