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Specific Lost my kitty, need professional edit.


New Member
lost my kitty ,i made a mock up of what i want in MS paint but can someone recreate this professionally,
my attempt at a mock up in MS paint of wht i would like done professionally in PS

i made an attempt to make a cloud for her to sleep on ,i don't think that part looks too bad but you could probably do better
but i would like to see it done with my original cloud also

main thing is the wing where the wing meets her body ,i would like her fur to wisp up in front of where the wing meets so it doesn't look so just stuck there
and when i cropped her out of the pic i just used ms paint ,i would like her to be properly cropped so the wispy hairs of her fur are still intact
also when i resized her the aspect ration got messed up a bit but i don't thinks it's too bad

also i just rotated the wing 90 degrees because that is all that you can do in MS paint but maybe it would look better if it were tilted down a bit more

her pic


background (this was the highest res i could find, maybe someone can locate a higher res)


alternate background (could you put her on both so i can see which i like better)
Thank you it's very nice
but i would still like to see something like the mock up i put in the OP

also her urn has a frame that is portrait oriented , i have a nice photo of her in it now
but i was thinking of maybe using something like the pic in OP if it was redone right,
i think it might look ok if i crop it to fit it in the portrait oriented urn frame
but i would still like the full landscape version in case i decide against putting it in her urn

here is the pic i have in her urn now, this is my favorite pic i took of her, the other one in the OP is my mom's favorite
i wouldn't mind someone taking some artistic licence to come with something for this pic


some other ideas i had were of gate and cherubs

here is a badly done mockup


original pic of stylized cherubs i like


pearly gates BG pic

Maybe the gates could be spaced further apart and maybe put on a different background and then the in the box pic could be used to crop her out and put her behind the open gates and put in the cherubs or just something like the mock up
I made a try on the first one, just for fun.

thanks you i like the way you enhanced her eyes
I made a try on the first one, just for fun.

thank you ,i like the way you enhanced her eyes and the color filtering looks great

not sure but i think i like the way the babine did the folded wings it kinda looks more natural
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