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Loopiness without Sinedots

Rantin Al

This quickie tutorial is for the poor neglected Mac-ites who feel left out from the Ribbon Thread and are excluded from using the PC only Sinedots plug-in.

This is a basic outline for a technique (Mac & PC) which uses Illustrator for the creation of a starter mesh.
The same can actually be done in Photoshop itself, I just happen to have a freebie from Sapphire-Innovations which speeds things up.

In Illustrator, run the Black Hole freebie to produce an offset concentric set of rings.

Stage 1. The start point.
Stage 2. Run the Pucker & Bloat filter.
Stage 3. Finally run the Zig-Zag filter.

Select > All and copy to the clipboard.
Jump to Photoshop and Create a New document.

Photoshop will set up the dimensions relative to the file on the clipboard. Just set the resolution to whatever you want, and the mode to RGB.
Stage 4.Paste the Illustrator file into Photoshop.
(Make a background layer and fill with a colour of choice.)

Stage 5. Run the Polar Co-ordinates Filter
Stage 6. Add a style of your choice.

Stage 6b. Hide the background layer, select All, Copy & Paste.
This creates a single layer with the style applied.

Stage 7. Apply the Wave filter. Use low settings.
Beautiful, but I don't have Illustrator... :{

And the Ministery of Finance decided that I already spent twice as much on puters than was agreed...so no Illustrator for me.

Anyways: thanks for explaining this.

Must say I suspected vectors as the effect with PolarCoords would have meant a thickening of the lines on one end.

Thanks, Rantin Al, I didn't know about Black Hole and always like to putter with plug-ins for PS and Illustrator.
Erik, you might be able to conjure something with Photoshop paths?

Welles, check out that link for Graphicxtras, formerly Sapphire-Innovations.
Lots of goodies for Photoshop & Illustrator, cheap and lots of downloadable sample freebies.


While installing the Black Hole plug-in, I read the readme and realized that it was one of Andrews plugins. I've never bought his plug-ins yet but I've bought several collections of his Shapes for PS which were very clever. I hope he makes a good living from his creative offerings.
I'm not sure if *Andrew* is a single entity.
If he is, he is one heck of a busy bunny. ;)

I bought the Perspective plug-ins a while back. They are fine for rough guides but there is a fault in some aspects of the algorithm used and it does not give true photographic perspective.

But for ?6 it is still handy to have.

I'm considering the No.6 collection. Still checking out the demos.

Must say I suspected vectors as the effect with PolarCoords would have meant a thickening of the lines on one end.

Yep! That's exactly what I ran into.
Erik said:
Must say I suspected vectors as the effect with PolarCoords would have meant a thickening of the lines on one end.

Erm? ... I intentionally designed it that way... er.. to differentiate it from someone using the Sinedots, so there would be no confusion. :B


I've never used "black hole" (or heard of it for that matter, heh) but from the screenshot you posted, you could achive that effect quickly without the use of a filter. Simply make one circle, then a much larger circle to denote the inner and outer diameter of the rings. Then apply a blend to them in specified steps with no fill and a black stroke. Then expand the blend object into it's component pieces (might not even need this step depending on what you're gonna do with it).

Not sure if "black hole" will allow for different shapes or multiple changes in shape throughout the process, but blending will do that fairly elegantly and quickly.

Just thought I'd drop in my $0.02. Carry on. :) :righton:

p.s. Lookin' good. Being on a mac most of the time myself, this promises to be an interesting thread.
MB, the Black Hole filter uses just a circle for its basic shape.
What do you expect for free? A KPT Suite? ;)
It does have a few preset deviations but you do get a very quick way of varying size, stroke, rotation, spacing, colour, concentricity, vanishing point and ovalness.

By all means use any other technique for getting the end result. That's the whole idea, interaction and getting people to explore and develop an idea.

Loopiness is just one possibility, to stir up the brain cells.
The Photoshop Styles and Distortions I've used are not essential.
Just making it look purty. :)

I was wondering when you'd show up Pierre!
You can smell a vector a mile away on a foggy night, can't you? :bustagut:

Keep 'em coming, folks.


I don't see how photoshop could compete with illustrator as far as making interesting designs using vector paths. I mean in illustrator you can make incredible slinky toy type blends, and control them and transform them - and then import them into photoshop and turn on the majic. I have to say I've skipped over most of PS vector tools. I'll post an Ill to PS tomorrow when I get the time. Ferlin ;)
Actually - I found the time

I love illustrator to Photoshop.This is something I did with simple illustrator specified steps blends imported to PS. Duplicated layers G. blurs -noise and wind blur - gradient background etc. PS makes illustrator come alive.

[excited] Ferlin
Ferlin, I think you are missing a couple of points about this thread.

It was an idea for Mac users who cannot use the sinedot plug-in as it is PC only.
I used Illustrator just as an experiment to generate the basic mesh.
I suggested using Photoshop paths as a possible alternative for people who do not have Illustrator.

It is not about Photoshop v Illustrator, just a bit of fun. :)

