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Looks different in Camera Raw 7.0 then in Photoshop CS6!


New Member
First things first: I'm a total noob, so am probably making some very basic and dumb error......

Anyways, here's the dealy:

When i double click on a .ARW photo in Bridge, it first opens in Camera Raw 7.0 . There, i make subtle adjustments until i'm 100% happy........BUT! ......when i click "open image" and it opens in PS CS6 it looks really different. For example, if i apply some noise reduction to add some smoothness, that noise reduction doesn't carry across to PS. I also notice if i click "done" (instead of "open image"), it also doesn't carry all changes back to the thumbnail in bridge.

Anyone got any ideas what i'm doing wrong? I read something about color spaces, but this isn't really a color issue.

Below is an example. It's just a cheesy picture of my daughter, with some over the top noise reduction to clearly show the problem i'm having. The first picture is as it appeared in CR (smooth), the second as it appears in PS (smoothness gone)Misha ACR.jpgPS import 2.jpg

What color profiles does your camera support?
Probably sRGB and Adobe RGB 1998.

What every profile your camera is set at ACR should be set to the same profile.
At the bottom of your ACR screen I see you're using ProPhoto RGB, change that to the correct color space and you should be fine.

If you're serious enough to shoot raw, you should set your camera to Adobe RGB, it's a larger color space than sRGB
Steve is dead on. That is one of those lessons you only need once ! OK ...some of us twice......:runaway:
Thanks guys!

Damn, this is so frustrating.

I followed your advice, and, although it's better, it's still not the same when i open it in PS. Probably i'm still doing something wrong.

A question: is the any reason to do ANY changes in Camera Raw? Why not just bring it direct into PS first, then make all changes in PS. At least then i know that i'm not going to lose (or have change subtly) my changes and tweaks. Can you do everything in PS that you can do in Camera Raw?

No that's not true at all.
When you're dealing with a raw file you're dealing with data.

When dealing with the data you can literally change white balance, exposure to some degree, minimize highlight and shadow clipping, and much more.
Raw files have a larger dynamic range so you can literally correct in ACR what you didn't get quite right in the camera.

Once you bring the file into PS (or if you shoot JPG instead of Raw), all those settings are baked in, right or wrong, and now you're doing destructive changes to you image file when you make (almost) any adjustment.

I have to ask again, do you have options in your camera settings to use different color spaces?
If yes, what are the options and which one are you using?

If you're your camera is set to sRGB, set ACR to sRGB.
If you're your camera is set to Adobe RGB, set ACR to Adobe RGB.

If you don't have color space options in your camera you are most likely set to sRGB, but I don't know for sure.
About the only thing I don't do in RAW is sharpening.....check all your profiles...
