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Looking for photoshoppers to edit my images.

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New Member
I'm planning on making some S-Brix images. If you don't know what they are, go here:
Shit Brix

(Idk what your policy on swearing is here lol)

As you can see, some are funny and some are scary.
The point is that when you first look at the image, you don't see anything unusual.
As you look harder/closer, you will see something awkward/funny/scary.

Here is a good example:

At first, you see a kid and his mother eating lunch.
BUT when you look harder/closer, there is a creepy face to the left of the kid's mid-body. (lol)

So I have some pictures (that have no ghosts or anything actually 'scary' in them currently) with creepy atmospheres (dark rooms, hallways, etc).

I was hoping that some photoshoppers here (I dont have photoshop lol, Im talking to the people that do have it :P) could take some of my images, and edit scary things in them.
Maybe a ghost, or a scary face. But make sure that when you look at the image at first you don't see it, but after you look harder you will see something scary and it will make you jump and/or send chills down your spine. [hehe]
But I want people who are decent/good/skilled at photoshop to do this, I don't need it to look perfect but I want it to look at least decent.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, let me know and ill try to explain it in a better way.

Here is the 1st image I would like somebody to edit something scary into-

By dabomb29, shot with iPhone at 2009-04-04

-dabomb29 ;)
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