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looking for good video tutorials for Advanced Masking



I am new in Photoshop. I have PS7.0. I am looking for good video tutorials about Advanced Masking, cutting out object from its background.
Also, I am looking for few downloadable ebooks, Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Studio Techniques by Ben Willmore, Adobe Photoshop 7.0 for Photographers by Martin Evening. These releases isn't new, so its diffucult to find it.
Welcome to PsG!

Have you used google to search for tutorials? Some of the best tuts I know on the topic are in PDF format at adobeevangelists.com

As for the books, I know them in paper version, you should check on their editors websites for electronic versions. There are only extracts available for free. (well I'm sure that you do not mean that you'd like to have a bootleg copy of the books, as they are copyrighted as well.) Another book that I'd recommend is Real World Photoshop by Bruce Fraser, a guru that just passed away. It is one of the most enlightening Photoshop that I have ever read.
For masking, I forgot Photoshop Masking and Compositing by Katrin Eismann, a reference on the topic.
For some, yes, but not everybody can afford the bandwidth associated. Indeed, some tutorials are incomplete, and it is up to the writers to make a good work.
Have you checked the numerous masking tutorials on adobeevangelists.com?
Come back if you do still have questions, or to ask some specifics. Masking is a huge topic, as whole books can be written on the topic (see reply#3)
