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Looking For A Partner To Work On A Project.


Active Member
Looking For A Partner To Work With On A Project.

Hello All.

Im a Web Designer and im looking to make a new website which will be better than one im already on. If your experienced in web developing then its easy because its not that hard but it is kind of for myself.
What Can I Do?-
Well im very talented in Photoshop so i can do all the graphics and button graphics etc.- I can make small websites.- I can Install and Make a Forum.- CSS - HTML- Little PHP
What I Need?-
Help with intergrating things together; E.g Forum,Gallery, Videos Section, Plus Home Page all in one.- Some Special Features (They won't be anything over the top or anything.)
Who I Would Like?-
Someone who has this skill and can help me out.- Someone with a good personality- I would like it if you had a Microphone and Skype or MSN. (Not Needed But Would Prefer)- Talk Good English (Dont mind if your; Spanish and can speak Good English)- Someone who has the time.:arrowd:____________________________________________________________________________Kind Regards, Much Appreciated In Advance.
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With all respect, this might not be the place to look for the technical end of things. We're Photoshoppers here, which you don't need. Back when I was getting a new website off the ground I went here:


They are a great source of information and people for web stuff.
Okay Mate........ lol

Anyway? Is there any other experienced people on here as i want to get started soon :D

Kind Regards,
I got your PM Matt, now I have to ask you fo something. What's the incentive to help you out here? And what kind of website are you looking to put together? I can help with everything but the forum part. I never messed with setting one up.
Ok mate well something like this one

http://www.ls-uk.info but with a totally different design which i will do and things, and tbh a forum is easy! im good with them and i know everything about the one i will use.

i just need the help with the coding it all together and things.

Kind Regards,
I assume you can put together graphical templates of how you want this website to look right? Complete with element dimensions, notes and other information that may be required? When I do this, I typically use Illustrator because it's easy to make custom shapes and alter the placement of elements on a potential website.
Doesn't really matter how you put together your mock-ups, just that you do. The goal of mock-ups is to show someone else your vision, in this case of a website. We still don't know what your website is for.
