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Logo unlock layer help


New Member
Hi, I am familiar with art explosion, don't laugh! Anyway, I recently had someone design a logo and I wanted to edit a few things on it. My problem is I downloaded that free trial of photoshop cs5 and the logo is showing up on one layer. I've tried everything to get it ungrouped or unlocked. Every tutorial just mentions unlocking the background but doesn't say anything if you have multiple objects in one layer. It has three oval shapes and the words for the business on it and another image. I'm hoping to ungroup it all but I've tried to do that and I am not able to choose ungroup or unlock because it won't let you. What are the steps for someone who doesn't really know this program to get all of the components of the logo separated. The guy apparently designed it in photoshop so I would think it would be a no brainer and I'm surprised I'm having to struggle this much to get it undone. Help! Thank you in advance. It's a psd file.
If the image is one layer... a flattened, background image , the components are one ..... you can't "explode" that. But it depends on the image.... if the design is in one mass... text on object, object on object... you can't separate the components..... unless you rebuild the parts yourself on new layers.
