First let me apologize for my bad english. I'm from Mexico.
The UCDSS is an organization that helps poor people.
They have this logo that they use but it's lost it's detail and it looks very blurry
They asked me if I could help them. I downloaded GIMP 2 and stayed up all night trying to fix the logo or make a new copy of it but I couldn't.
This is why I'm asking here for help

They would need 2 version of this game logo.
The first one the same size, this is what they use on their facebook page for profile
The second one would have to be a little bit bigger and they would use it for the top of the facebook page.
Thanks you guys are amazing for doing this
The UCDSS is an organization that helps poor people.
They have this logo that they use but it's lost it's detail and it looks very blurry
They asked me if I could help them. I downloaded GIMP 2 and stayed up all night trying to fix the logo or make a new copy of it but I couldn't.
This is why I'm asking here for help

They would need 2 version of this game logo.
The first one the same size, this is what they use on their facebook page for profile
The second one would have to be a little bit bigger and they would use it for the top of the facebook page.
Thanks you guys are amazing for doing this