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Well-Known Member
Hi Mates!
I've read, in a Creative Pro, article that if u apply liquify to a layer and when u click ok on the window to apply the effects holding down the Shift key it saves the mesh in a temporary directory (for win user: c:\temp --> i have it). And then if u want re-apply the same mesh just shift+click on filter-->liquify...but it doesn't work in ps7!! (the article in creative pro is for ps6) [stuned] [stuned]

can someone help me? :D

thanks in advance
Hiya ApWiz,

Top right of the PS 7 Liquify dialogue boxyou will find two buttons: Save Mesh & Load Mesh. Use as required. ;)

Cheers Al
Command+F on the Mac reapplies the last filter.
You could try Control+F for PC.

Cheers Al.
just remember to save the mesh of a low resolution image it can be ablied to a high resolution one ;)

You sure it's not ALT-click on the filter?

Alt recalls the last filter used, and reloads the last settings that were used in it. This is most useful for the filters within the "IMAGE>Adustment>" menu. Like HUE&SAT.
The use of the shift+click is now useless with the save and load buttons.

ALT+menu item indeed re-opens a window with the last settings on all adjustment menus. For the filter menu, CTRL+F has this function (almost: it simply re-applies the filter with last used settings) Using ALT+CTRL+F will re-open the last used filter window to allow you to change some settings.
You didn't need to do an auto liquifyization, Mark! :bustagut:

There are so many things in Photoshop that it takes a think tank like your wonderful forum to even hope to see its limits...
I think someone is telling you a tale...

In Photoshop 6, the Liquify command never was a filter. It can only be accessed via Image>Liquify. The keyboard shortcut is (in Windows) Shift+Ctrl+X...hence, there is no way to hold Shift and click Filter>Liquify...

Something ain't right here. You can't reapply a filter effect if it's not a filter effect, and it wasn't until PS7 that Liquify became a filter. [stuned]

BTW, did anyone ever notice that the Emoticon is misspelled 'stuned' instead of 'stunned'????
