This is going to be a very basic, Photoshop 101 question, but I'm trying to use the Liquify filter and the Liquify screen is too big. I can't reach the "Show Backdrop" option at the bottom. What do I do? Please help. I'm trying to work through a tutorial that requires that.
On a related note, does anyone know any good tutorials that show you how to make one thing in the shape of another? Say I want to make a mouse in the shape of a Tyranosaurus. How would I do that? That's similar to what I'm trying to do here.
Thanks everyone.
On a related note, does anyone know any good tutorials that show you how to make one thing in the shape of another? Say I want to make a mouse in the shape of a Tyranosaurus. How would I do that? That's similar to what I'm trying to do here.
Thanks everyone.