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Linked smart objects within smart objects


New Member
Hello! I am currently trying to create a 2D animated doll, with individual pieces/layers easily replaceable with new designs. The idea is, the doll consists of pieces (chest, waist, thigh, shin, foot, etc.) which are animated with simple transformations. Replacing the "source" piece reflects the change throughout the entire animation.

I have already achieved this at a basic level by using smart objects. Each frame of the animation is a group full of linked copies of the original doll parts, so editing the original propagates the change throughout all frames.

However, as part of the animation, I want to use some effects like puppet warp. Unfortunately I cannot use puppet warp on groups, so I converted the group to a smart object and applied puppet warp. So now, the individual doll parts are smart objects nested within the group smart object. This apparently causes the link between the parts to break...so the change to the original no longer propagates.

My question is, is there a way to preserve that link between nested smart objects? Or is there a better way to achieve my goal?

Perhaps an example would be in order or a link to the technique you describe above.

....I am currently trying to create a 2D animated doll, with individual pieces/layers easily replaceable with new designs. The idea is, the doll consists of pieces (chest, waist, thigh, shin, foot, etc.) which are animated with simple transformations. Replacing the "source" piece reflects the change throughout the entire animation.

I have already achieved this at a basic level by using smart objects. Each frame of the animation is a group full of linked copies of the original doll parts, so editing the original propagates the change throughout all frames.
Hi Sam. I've already worked around the problem by avoiding it altogether, but I suppose the core question would be helpful to know yet.


Here is the basic setup, wonky animation aside, lol. Each group (Group A, Group A copy, Group A copy 2, ...) is one frame in the animation. Every part of the doll is made into a smart object, and then the group is copied and simply transformed to become the next frame of the animation. This means the smart objects are linked. I can edit the smart object in one group and this change is propagated throughout all of the frames.

With Smart Objects > Edit Contents, I will put a red baton in her hand and red stripes on her thighs.
I have done this ONLY for the original "Group A", but because each object is linked, editing "Group A" propagates the change throughout all of the groups.


Ok, so my original problem is: now I want to do some kind of transformation, like puppet warp, to the whole group. So, I tried turning each group into a smart object, like so:


Thus each of the groups now looks like this: (a smart object with multiple nested smart objects)


...And this breaks the link that previously existed. I can no longer edit Group A's thigh and have it reflect throughout all the groups.
What I want to know is, is there a way to preserve or re-specify this link?

Hi Sam, I posted a response yesterday but it apparently needed moderator approval, presumably due to attached images, and I see it isn't up yet. I don't know how else I can post images because as a newbie I can't post links.
Ok, hopefully a Mod will see this and approve your post from yesterday.
Thanks Paul and dv8!

Studiokmk - Thanks for the examples. I love to work with animations (gif) and this is an interesting technique. I solve problems by recreating (as best I can) the conditions and experimenting.

Before I move on I do have one quick question.......before you turned the groups into smart objects, could you use the puppet warp on group A and see it's changes propagated through the other groups as it did when you added the red baton?
Thank you Paul and dv8_fx! :)
Sam, thanks for your responses! Progress is being made, I think.

With the original method of transform pieces first, then convert whole group to one smart object, no changes would carry between any of the groups. Applying puppet warp would not propagate. Adding further changes like the red baton would also not propagate.

If the group is first converted to the smart object and then duplicated, changes like the red baton would propagate. Puppet warp to the whole group would not. A problem with this is that transformations like the rotation to create the leg movement also gets propagated, whereas before it would not. So now the question is how to deal with that.....lol

Thanks again, and finally I'd like to apologize if this question doesn't belong here.
