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Specific License


New Member
The red car in the picture hit me today and then drove off. I need the license plate number.
To respect privacy, you do not have to post it here, we can exchange emails for you to send it.

Tried several methods but just can't get it to an identifiable state. Not enough information in the image.
Best I can do combining several methods:

license plate recovery multi.jpg

license plate recovery multi enlarged.jpg
Hi Daniel -
Very sorry to see that damage. Just had my driver's side mirror knocked off which left me with a $450 repair! Who did it? Nobody's owning up to it.
For your image, there just isn't enough "information" to bring back the number. With our exposure to all the CSI-type shows we see, they bring back license plates with incredible magic.
The only magic is in the television show unfortunately.
Please be wary of any scams that might tell you otherwise. It's an unfortunate accident. But there's only so much these programs can do.
- Jeff
