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Levels of Undo


New Member
Okay, here we go again. I'm trying to set the number of "undos" in my CS2 preferences. No matter what number I put in, it will only undo once. Where am I going wrong? \:/
You need to change the way that it behaves not how much undo you have. It's counter-intuitive I know.

I don't remember if you can just change it in the preferences or you have to change the keyboard shortcuts in CS2... but basically you want to assign cmd+z to "history back" rather than undo and cmd+shift+z to "history forward" (which should be default). Undo just toggles back and forth and doesn't take advantages of the undo levels. It's stupid, but that's the default.

In earlier versions of Photoshop you would change the "redo" key behavior in the general area of the preferences. I know in CS3 you have to actually remap the keyboard shortcut... don't remember if that's true in CS2 though. Whichever it is... that's how you do it. heh
