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3D Learn the Basics of 3D... with C4D CE...


Well-Known Member
Well, here's the scoop... Randy Rives, a C4D modeling enthusiast, whom some of you already know from over at TG, has managed to put together a great learning packege for those of you who are new to 3d and want to see what all the fuss is about, as well for any who already have thier first practice licks in 3d, but wish to further learn the 3d app known as C4D CE...

Here's my take on this... ya can't really lose with this online course Randy has put together.

I mean sure CE is missing some of the cool new tools that C4D's later versions offer, but dig this... you get to learn some cool new stuff, have fun with modeling a few models, while gaining instruction on some of the various great tools and methods this app can offer up, and....

you actualy get a registered version of C4D CE to boot...

I mean the course costs twenty bucks, and if I remember correctly, the 3d magazine which C4D CE was originally promoted in, cost about the same... so if ya never got 3D World Mag # 43, and ya can't find it, then this is another way to gain said product, and ya get some fine lessons in how to use said app tossed in :)

Sounds like a win win to me :)

Ooo hey that IS excellent news James, thanks for taking the time to post that here for the folks. :}

Well there ya go folks! Have at'er! :righton:
hey, I just wanted to add some further info regarding C4D CE... it is known that C4D CE has one limitation in place that the regular C4D XL6 full version does not... and that is that it's rendering size is limited to 640x480... which is true enough if you are intending on rendering out animation frames...

but... if you are simply rendering still shots, just undock the viewport and make full screen and render any size your monitor can handle... :D ( personally I did not know this and was just rendering the standard deffault viewporrt size, but I was fooling around with adjusting the UI and low and behold, this CE will render still shots as big as your monitor full screen size is... very cool [slick]

Not too shabby for a terrific freebie app ;) :D

So yea, sign up and have at er indeed... btw, I am sure all who know him would agree, that Randy is a pretty cool guy, so this course should be right on... :righton:
"The Maxon support was very friendly and I got a new
serial for SLA."

And it works with CE+?sportsbook
That's excellent news!
So what was the process with Maxon? The previous owner had to sign over to you, you gave Maxon their name or what?Sport bettingOh and it's SLA 2.1 I'm after right?
Can you give me any idea how much I should expect to pay? I've no idea what it sold for originally!

Thanks in advance Bob!

For anyone who's interested here's a link to my first image with CE+
The sword is modelled in Wings for a wings forum challenge. - Baz
