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New Member
gday guys
im really trying hard with ps but being a late learner and not very arty makes it real hard.

could someone plz tell me the best way to go about drawing something like this?

i really have trouble getting shapes and curves right.
i dont know when to use marque,shape tool or pencil draw it.
mainly seems curves, boxes are easy.

YaKnow Phil. It's all about developing a skill level. Many things in Photoshop are 'push a button' and learning which button to push...Then there's the more creative 'artsy' stuff that comes by way of trial and error. Then eventually you get the hang of it.
I don't think anyone can impart these skills to you. We can only suggest the tools to use. At that, you'll get individuals techniques, which may or may not work for you. It appears that you wish to 'eliminate' the background surrounding an object.
As I mentioned, there are a multitude of ways to do that. Some of them will include a combination of techniques. To start though, copy the photo to a new layer (B) click off the orig. layer (A). Then enlarge the photo and work on it section by section
Using the pen tool, click on a start point then trace the shape, clicking as you go, laying down anchor points ( on curves, make those anchors close together, to get smoother curves ) When you've completed the section you're working on set an anchor point 'out into the area you want to eliminate, then attach back on your start point. A vector line will appear along the line you just made. Now, click on Paths > Make selection. A dialog window will come up. set the tolerance to '0' in that window. Now hit 'Delete'. The area you just deleted is now transparent. Repeat this process until the entire object is surrounded by transparency. When done, you can place the object on any background you wish. As for the 'Mud' you can try brushes with some beveling techniques, or airbrushing. It'll be that 'trial and error' I mentioned, until you develop a skill level

Good luck with your project, hope this helped...
