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Hey guys!

So I thought I would start sharing some tips for those of you new to Photoshop.

I took this image (which is a composite of two photos):http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/e73d2255013f8081708c65d7126aefd44g.jpg and changed it to this image: http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/c68e09006e4e713b25662ff7714165514g.jpg

I did this by going to "Layers" > "New Adjustment Layer" > the following adjustments:
"Exposure" > Exposure = +1.22
"Brightness/Contrast" > Brightness = -30 Contrast = +100
"Curves" > Input = 8
"Color Balance" > Midtones = +20, 0, -10; Highlights = 0, 0, +60; Shadows = -45, 0, -25
"Hue/Saturation" > Hue = 0; Saturation = -15; Lightness = 0

I choose to apply each adjustment in a separate layer due to the relative ease changing settings, deleting layers, or duplicating effects on other photos it allows. Also, there was a time when I just added the adjustment straight to the photo. It's harder to deal with the interaction of adjustments that way because you need to back track and there's no good way of knowing which adjustment you want to change/get rid of.

You will find there are a lot of different adjustments available to you; however, I tend to believe less is more in this arena. I learned about these through trial and error and now I use some more than others as a personal preference.

This is my first attempt as some kind of tutorial, please let me know if this is understandable and whether there is anything I can do to improve my instructions in the future. Let me know if you have any questions!
