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Layers glitch?



Was working on an architectural perspective last night and open the file this morning to none of my texture layers being visible despite not being invisible in the layers panel.
However, when I make a layer that I worked last on invisible, the rest of the layers are revealed without changing their visibility status.

Does anyone have any ideas of how to solve this as its my first good looking perspective I've made and would like to save it / be informed for further files.

P.S. While I was working on the 'bugged?' layer I was using the Lasso tool quite extensively and for quite complex and small shapes!

Thanks a lot
Hi maxybwoy777,

First thing I'd do is to ignore any suggestion to simply 'reset your preferences', there is no need to.

Right, with that out of the way here is what I'd do...(taking into consideration I don't know your OS or PS version.)
01. Get your file into a condition that you are happy with, layers visible or not, just make sure they are all there.
02. Save the file as something other than a .psd...... .psb and .tif are both layered formats, save as both formats if you want.
03. Close PS
04. Start PS and open one of either the .psb or .tif files....or both if you saved them both.
05. See if the problem is solved.
06. If so then save as .psd, (use a different name to the original), close and re-start PS and try the new .psd file.
07. If not then close PS. You cannot do the next step with PS open.
08. Locate your prefs folder and RENAME it...add something like -BAK to the end of it.
09. Restart PS. Your preferences folder will now be rebuilt as default so the UI will look terrible, grin and bear it...it's not for long.
10. Try your ORIGINAL .psd file again and see if the problem persists.
11. If so, try the other formats as well...you never know your luck.
12. If you get to a point where one of the files is good then save it as a .psd, again using a different name.
13. Close PS.
14. Go back to your prefs and DELETE the NEW prefs folder created by PS....DO NOT DELETE YOUR BACKUP!!
15. RENAME your -BAK folder back to its original name by removing whatever you added to it.
16. Try the files again starting with the last .psd file saved.

In short you need to find out if its the file or PS that has the issue...the above should help you to determine that, if not fix it.
I'm not aware of any other software that will open a .psd file, but there are programs that will open a layered .tif file so if you get one of those you can try the file in that and see if it's good.

I don't understand...what is an invisible layer?

In the above image Layer 0 and the group COLOUR are both 'invisible'. Layer 7 is 'visible'.
The 'eye' icon toggles them 'visible' / 'invisible', 'on' / 'off', or more usually, 'where did that come from?' / 'where's that gone now?'.

It's this 'eye' icon that can get you into trouble...BIG time!

Yeah, so do I, just going by the tooltip...that's got to be right, right?

Yeah, so do I, just going by the tooltip...that's got to be right, right?

also stupid question I'm on windows and along this file path: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2023 but can't find the preferences folder - am I in the right place?

Was working on an architectural perspective last night and open the file this morning to none of my texture layers being visible despite not being invisible in the layers panel.
However, when I make a layer that I worked last on invisible, the rest of the layers are revealed without changing their visibility status.

Does anyone have any ideas of how to solve this as its my first good looking perspective I've made and would like to save it / be informed for further files.

P.S. While I was working on the 'bugged?' layer I was using the Lasso tool quite extensively and for quite complex and small shapes!

Thanks a lot
Hi @maxybwoy777

If you could share the PSD file (or a cropped version of the PSD file) that has this problem through a file sharing site I am quite sure the issue could be tracked down pretty quickly by forum members. There are many Layer settings that can cause all sorts of behavior that initially may not make sense.
This may be the fastest way to solve your issue.
Just a suggestion
John Wheeler
