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Layer Styles Grayed Out


I'm having a special moment right now. For some reason I have a PS document that is graying out my layer styles? I have another doc open that's the same image mode (RGB/8) and it will let me add layer styles. What's going on?

check that you remove background from the one grayed out >layer palette>right click >remove BG layer
are u saying that everything is grey if so to fix it go to image--->mode---> rgb color first u must save an restart though
also you can go file--->new--->color mode--->rgb color
If the layer name is Background the layer is locked (look for the little pad lock icon) and there's a lot you can't do to that layer.
You can drag the lock into the trash can (Not advised) or duplicate the layer Ctrl+J and hide the background layer.
Layer styles should be active now on the new Layer1,
very true
Duplicate layer and work with duplicate..Good point Steve!..I do the same
