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Keyboard Shortcuts


I don't know if you all think this might be a valid idea for a thread. But I was thinking we could all take a turn at posting a few of our favorite keyboard short cuts.

My thought is that it would provide a resource for new members and at the same time the more experienced users could benefit as well. I know there are links out there with this info, but thought it might be nice to have it right here at home.

So here are a couple of the ones I use the most

1. Ctrl+J = create a duplicate of the active layer
2. Ctrl+E= merge down
3. Ctrl+M= open the curves filter
4. Ctrl+U= open the Hue/Saturation filter

If you think this worthwhile add a few if not say so [confused]
:bustagut: "Tab" to hide all the pallettes! :D
i regularly use the ones rick mentioned. here are some more that i constantly use:

ctrl + z -- wouldn't want to live w/out this one

ctrl + d = deselect
ctrl + shift + u = auto de-saturate
ctrl + l = levels dialog
ctrl + shift + l = auto levels
ctrl + i = image > adjust > invert
ctrl + shift + i = select > inverse
ctrl + h = hide selection (very handy, but also annoying)
ctrl + shift + j = copy + paste into new layer(?)

[ and ] to change brush size

key combo:
ctrl +a = select all
ctrl + shift + c = copy merged
ctrl +v = paste

along with above key combo, i'll also do:
ctrl + n = new doc
ctrl + v = paste
ctrl +e = merge down

one i know but never used:
ctrl + alt + ` = luminence select
I like cntrl +F and alt-cntrl + F

Im sure most people have seen this site but Trevor Morrisphotoshop site
Has a great DOwnload that gives you a PDF of all the keyboard shortcuts. I love this thing so much I had it laminated at Kinkos.

Good idea Rick....:righton:

I wonder what is the shortcuts for(if any) :

1.Apply image

and the rest of the Image menu members...(i mean to those commends which hasnt defined shortcut)


Oh.........yaaaa......instead of a joke :

Shift + Tab hides the plattes but display the Tool ;)
I don't think there are shortcuts for Calculation and Apply Image. At least I don't see any when I surf the menu.

Record an Action to use one, then bind it to a keystroke.
Instant shortcut.
Gaussian you might want to check out the link I had up there ;)
I love Keyboard shortcuts, and this is a great thread.

These are some of my faves (Mac first, PC 2nd)

-Cmd/Cntrl U: Hue/Sat dialog box
-Cmd/Cntrl H: Hide (It hides everything in the View menu, and with the type tool selected also hides that selection over the text so you can see what you're doing.
-To quickly change the opacity of a layer, simply type in a number; e.g. 5 for 50% opacity.
-To temporarily switch to the move tool, hold down Cmd/Cntrl. Release to go back to the tool you were using.
-Most people know that Opt/Alt-Del and Cmd/Cntrl-Del fills with the foreground and background color, respectively. But to get to the fill dialog box quickly (for example, if you need to fill with a pattern) press Shift-Del.
-If you use the color swatch palette, you know that choosing a swatch changes the foreground color. To change the background color instead, Opt/Alt click on the swatch.

How can i browse the blending modes rather than shift+alt+Latter ?


( My Shortcut : Ctrl + Alt +# : Load selection )


Click inside the blending box and use your arrow keys to scroll through the different modes or use shift + - or shift + +
Lots of good info !!! But this one really slayed me.........""Tab" to hide all the pallettes!"

That just made my day.....thanks
Dazco (BTW, welcome) try shift+tab, and you'll hide all palettes but the toolbar, useful if you don't know the tool shortcuts yet...
Gaussian ... thanks for the click inside the blending box and arrow shortcut ... handy ... btw ... I clicked in the wrong spot (:) not unusual for me :D ) and "discovered" much to my joy:) and amasement [stuned] that if I arrow up/down whilst clicked anywhere in the 'grey' area of the window that the opacity %age slides up/down [excited] [excited] (noise in background is namvet doing cartwheels around his office ... not a pretty sight I migh add :bustagut: )

BTW .. my all time favourite short cuts just have to be Cntrl C and V 'cos I'm such a shocking typist :D .... but, hey, I'll take any shortcut going :bustagut: :bustagut:
)))))KILLER POST((((((


This posting is something like a killer post as I mentioned in the subject, so sweet, no no honey.............
Thanks all for these wonderful SHORTCUTS.


HA HA I AM JUMPING..............

Here are the ones I use the most:

[ and ] to adjust brush sizes i dont think i could live without that one.
Alt + backspace fills the layer or selection with what ever color you're using.
The mouse scroll wheel to zoom in and out (mouse down zooms in mouse up zooms out) this only works if you dont have a scroll bar on the image though.
I also use this shortcut alot but its a combination mouse/keyboard shortcut: click the create new layer button to create a new layer at the top of your layers list (if it isnt at the top move it) then holding the Alt key click the layer tab and drag down to merge visible list. This merges the visible list into the new layer at the top and keeps all your layers below it. (alt + Ctrl + Shift + E) works to but i think its easier the other way.
I use alot of the above mentioned ones too.
