Hello everyone,
I'll try to be as clear as possible: A popular photo technique for removing unwanted content is to take a couple pictures of the same scene, convert them as smart object, auto-align them and use stack mode median or mean to remove the content that's uncommon in all pictures (can also be used for lowering noise).
The way I understand those functions work is: compare a pixel on let's say four photos, if it's white on three and black on one, then white remains. What I'd like is a function that does the exact opposite. Let me give you an example:
I take four photos of a room, three where room is empty, one where there's a chair in the middle, use a function so only the chair is kept. I'd be happy with any techniques that would allow me to do that. In the case of a chair it'd be relatively easy to achieve that by cutting out the shape with the pen tool but it's not applicable in my case as I have a dozen of image-series and the shapes are numerous and very complicated.
Big thanks to whoever has the answer, I've been all over the Internet but nothing so far, also merry christmas to all
I'll try to be as clear as possible: A popular photo technique for removing unwanted content is to take a couple pictures of the same scene, convert them as smart object, auto-align them and use stack mode median or mean to remove the content that's uncommon in all pictures (can also be used for lowering noise).
The way I understand those functions work is: compare a pixel on let's say four photos, if it's white on three and black on one, then white remains. What I'd like is a function that does the exact opposite. Let me give you an example:
I take four photos of a room, three where room is empty, one where there's a chair in the middle, use a function so only the chair is kept. I'd be happy with any techniques that would allow me to do that. In the case of a chair it'd be relatively easy to achieve that by cutting out the shape with the pen tool but it's not applicable in my case as I have a dozen of image-series and the shapes are numerous and very complicated.
Big thanks to whoever has the answer, I've been all over the Internet but nothing so far, also merry christmas to all