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Just got Ps and a baby


New Member
Well, I just got Ps CS4 and my wife had a baby. Since both are new to me I wanted to make my first Ps project a birth announcement that my wife will send out. I want to make it a 5X7 print that will be sent out to the family.

Are there any places to get templates? I am still figuring this out, as you can tell, and have never used an Adobe product. Any tuorials for making a simple card?

hey mate, congratulations on the baby.

to make an annoucment, you first have to know what you want to be on there.
then the simplist way i find to make these kind of things is to sit down and paper design it.
when you have design on paper, jump onto PS and start importing everything.

Although i think that using something like Microsoft publisher will be better for this, as it has many templates, and use PS to make like the writing and pictures (if any)
