I guess that could be done Wendy.. 
First out, as said earlier, I just love the Filter Gallery feature. I'm gonna let that be a positive surprise for all you soon-to-be CS owners 
And then there's the new Shadows & Highlights adjustment that makes those dark crappy digital photos shine once again, without too much fiddeling around with curves, levels and contrast.. God, that's a relief.
But! and I say But in the words best meaning. Something that I've been missing since v. 3.0 of photoshop, is the magic of defining ones' own keyboard shortcuts. Isn't it just the best to have Gaussian Blur on CTRL-G? Or maybe contract selection on CTRL-Alt-C?
Yes, my dear photoshop-comerads. It so truly is.
Having said that, my version of CS hasn't been installed on my harddrive for as long as I might wish, so there will probably be alot more significant (or not so significant, but still welcome) features I'll stumble over. The ones I mentioned now are just three of alot on the What's new list in CS.
And on top of all. I got my cute little Wacom tablet in the mail today as well 
God what a day...