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Jumped from CS4 to CS6, having a problem now...


New Member
Hello Everyone :3 My first post here and it's a question.

So I've just made the jump from CS4 to CS6. All has been well for over a month now without running into any issues. As I mostly digitally paint my list of tools I consistently use is pretty small. However I started a small line art piece the other night and having just finished it I'm ready to move onto the coloring stage. What I have been doing in previous versions of PS is to use the wand tool, most of my lines are nice and thick so it's pretty fast working with it. I then use the 'Refine Edge' option and bring my marching ants into my lines a little so I don't have to worry much about color cleanup outside of my lines (which is part of the reason I like making them thick to begin with :3 ) I then inverse the selection and use the fill tool on a separate layer. Quick and easy coloring right?

Well, here's my issue.

In CS6 'Refine Edge' only gives me the option to make the selected area move further outward instead of inward, with the exception of the 'Shift Edge' option. However 'Shift Edge' only allows me to shift it in once and not near close enough :c

Does anyone know if they simply took out the ability to move your selection inward? Or did they move that option elsewhere and rename it? I've tried different settings with the wand tool without any results :c I'd use the 'Quick Selection' tool, but I might as well just take the erase tool along the outside of my lines after I fill. Any Ideas?

Thanks for any input!

Shift Edge in CS6 centers at 0%.
You should be able to go plus or minus with that slider.
If it's not working try resetting your preferences file.

Start Photoshop and immediately hold down Ctrl+Alt+Shift (Windows)
or Command+Option+Shift (Mac OS X).

Then, click Yes to the message, "Delete the Adobe Photoshop Settings file?"
Thanks for the fast response!

I've tried resetting my preference file and trying it again, but it's still only bringing my selection so close to my lines. It's also only allowing me to do it once, I'm sure if it allowed for multiple chances to bring it inward I'd get what I'm looking for.

I've uploaded three images if it helps to explain it (I zoomed it quiet a bit so hopefully you can see what I'm talking about). The first one is what I'm starting with when I simply use the Wand tool. The second is after I've used Shift Edge to move it inward 100%. As you can see, it doesn't move it inward much :/. The last is just a quick lasso tool in the center of my lines, where I roughly what this selection to move inward too. I used to be able to do it in CS4 and CS and I can't for the life of me get it to work now in CS6 :c

