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Illustrator joining and filling two separate objects made with pen tool


Active Member
I am creating a square and then on top of that I am creating a goofy looking roof/cap.

I used the pen tool only.

How do you join all the segments so when I fill the object it works nicely?

When you complete an object it appears from my frustration that you cannot select an anchor point on that object to start from and furthermore you cannot end a stroke on a completed object or it kills that anchor point.

Thanks for the help
If you have two closed path objects, use pathfinder to combine them. If it's two open paths, use the direct selection tool to select an end point on each and join them Object-Path-Join or hit ctrl+j.
Hello again...I am unable to find a way to cleanly join the box and the roof. In the example I used the pen tool for a simple box then tried to attach a roof. It does not work cleanly for some reason if I use the join command and if I use the pathfinder I get the horizontal line removed.



  • Capture.JPG
    62.1 KB · Views: 0
I guess I'd have to ask first, why you feel that you need to join them? Simply putting the top piece behind the bottom should do it.

I see your point. I may need to send this off to get stitched in fabric and/or send it into CAD so the less splines or control points the better I believe. Having overlapping lines won't appear problematic, but I was just thinking there may be a way to use the control points of the top of that box even though it is closed.

