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It's a baby! It's a baby!


Hey folks! Wheeeew!

Well... as of wednesday morning at 6:37am, we're the very proud parents of an 8.2lb, 21.25 inch baby boy! :D :righton: [excited]

I'm a tad tired at the moment, and an contemplating a Webpage gallery for some photos of "Seth". This would make it more feasible for family and friends to see him, as opposed to just posting a few photos here.

Labour: 5.5hrs from start to finish. ( my wife rocks! ) B7
Drugs used: a bit of 'laughing gas' only. YIKES! ( my wife REALLY rocks! )

Anywho... more later, i hear em crying! WooHoo! :righton:
CONGRATS!!! :righton: I am so glad all went well and everyone is healthy!!

Mark is now a proud citizen from "the land of poopy diapers!" :D
waha hoohoo tadaa toodoo
in a few months you'll know who's the boss in the house.
(another singer in a rock 'n' roll band...)

congrats man, and felicitations to your wife. (or, in my language: the woman whose chose you to live with her and be the father of her kids [excited] )

good news. AND with a good astrological start: Sun conjunct with Uranus in Aquarius...this means unconventionalism and a streak of genius. Unpredictable, and finding new solutions to old problems. Idealism and stubbornness. Electrifying...but above all: a happy new human on good ol' Earth. :righton:
Congrats to you and your wife man. Glad everything worked it well and there were no problems.

Super Duper You Two... :righton: :righton:

wow, nothing quite like it eh?

yahoooooo, hoo boy, where do durn kleennex's, I gotta go wipe my eyes... yea man... a little fishing buddy... or what have ya... wahooo

Chill as much as ya can and donnnn worry bout stuff... it takes a year or so to really sink in, and it's a long ride to and from there hahaha...yikeeeeessss... fun fun fun diaper dad... :bustagut: [oops] [shhh] :D :righton: :righton: :righton:

Tell "MoM" hi and congrats... [excited] [excited]
Congratulations Mark and I'm happy that everything went well!

Now how that this feel to be a father, great eh! [excited]

I can't wait to see the first pictures ;)
Hey yaa thanks you guys, we appreciate the well-wishes indeed. [honesty]

Thus far he's done nothing but rejuvinate me. I'm on my fifth wind and counting! hahaa [oops] [sleepy]

Hey and thanks for the 'reading' Erik i really love the sound of it. Especially the "unconventionalism & idealism" parts. :righton:

If anyone's more curious, i'll probably be posting some further details of how things went during the whole process, on the Webpage i'll be making for Seth's photos.

Catchya later guys! And thanks again! [excited]
It's a baby! It's a baby!

Of course it's a baby :bustagut: . What were you expecting? :P :bustagut:

Congratulations to the new and proudest parents in all Vancouver. Glad to know your budding protegie is well and healthy. Though I can't imagine the beating both of you took.

You're on your fifth wind? I'll tell you this - from this day forth, no matter how tired you are, the little one will always rejuvenate you.

Love him all you can.

Congratulations Mark & Gayla!!!! :D

Just so pleased to hear that all went well! :righton: :righton: :righton:

Hang on buddy... you're in for the ride of your life! ;)

Ahhh... great "sign" to be born under, Aquarius! [honesty]

And a BIG
When the Moon is in the Seventh House,
and Jupiter allies with Mars
then peace will guide the planets,
and love will feed the stars:
This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius,...
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
Are the mind's true liberation

OMIGOD... love that song, from "Hair" Erik! :D

Yep, I'm an "Aquarius" too!

I have a wonderful book entitled "The Secret Language Of Birthdays".... and will share with you, Mark, the following highlights (be you a 'believer' or not)! ;)

Strengths: Daring, Imaginative, Forceful
Weaknesses: Rash, Hardened, Uncontrolled

My advice, bud... take the good with the bad... it outweighs latter! ;)

Of note, those also born on this date include: Copernicus (Polish Astronomer:15-16th Century); Smokey Robinson; Lee Marvin and Prince Andrew!

For what it's worth... [honesty]
Congrats both of you :righton:

how is your hand :bustagut: :bustagut: :bustagut:

your life will never be the same now that you are both so richly blessed with little seth it just gets better and better

would love the link when the site is up! can hardly wait to see the photo's and find out how much laughing gas you consumed ha ha ha
congratulations daddy and mummy :D

Welcome to the world, Seth!

Can't wait to see the pix [slick]
Mucho congrats from me as well :righton:

Ah crap words escape me,again congratsulations :D

Thanks more for the words of encouragment you guys, we greatly appreciate them. [excited]

Aquarius you say?! WooHoo! I thought he was Peices (Feb 19th)...? I would prefer the former if i had a choice. But of course this is only a superficial kinda thing anywho. ;\

What's funny is that Gayla's doc first said Seth would be born on the 19th... and then as Gayla become more advanced, the date was changed to the 13th. He said this is quite a normal thing to happen. But... Seth decided he would prefer to hang around awhile and shoot for the original TOA. hahaa Oh boy... he had control of things even though he was still in the womb! YIKE! [stuned] 8[

This should be a fun ride! :bustagut: :D
Mark and Gayla ... congratulations!! ... have been in the city for the weekend so this post is late :D
On Feb 19th 2003, these awere the ephemerides:

Sun 29Aquarius55 which means that he will be as good as on the "exact spot" between Aq and Pi. Some might say Pi, some Aq, yet, compared to a rainbow: where ends red, and where begins orange?
Moon: beginnings of Libra (social, loves refined and aesthetic places to live in)
Mercury: 8 Aquarius (outspoken, intuitive knowledge of being right)
Venus: 17 Capricornus (wants to give form to beauty and love, needs to be shown how to express emotion because it is not obvious for him how to do so)
Mars: 21 Sagittarius (courageous, cannot tolerate injustice, a knight)
Jupiter 11 Leo, retrograde (loves to share, but loves even more to be known for sharing)
Saturn: 22 Gemini, retrograde (can be a tough dealer and a patient puzzler)
Uranus: 29 Aquarius (electricity, originality, 'I did it my way")
Neptune: 11 Aquarius (a tad "starry eyed PollyAnna")
Pluto: 20 Sagittarius (changing dogmas and belief-systems)

Mars/Pluto against Saturn, meaning idealistic revolution against everything that is limiting.
Mercury/Jupiter, meaning that he may behave like France's SunKing from time to time although he talks about being leader of a socialist revolution)

Of course there's much more to it, and Life comes first. Yet all royalty have the theme calculated of new born heirs... [innocent]
