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Is this reindeer real or photoshopped?


New Member
I'm writing because a few years ago I got a scarf for rudolph and I put it by the fireplace for santa to give to him. My dad helped my set up a hidden camera to see santa take the scarf and I was really surprised when I saw santa bring the reindeer into the house when I watched the video.

My dad died earlier this year :(, but this time of year was making me really think about the santa video from a few years ago. I don't believe in Santa any more, but I've watched the santa video like a hundred times and I am not sure if my dad photoshopped rudolph in, or if "santa" really brought a reindeer into our house on Christmas eve.

It looks really jerky, so that makes it look kind of fake, but the way it walks around the room it looks so real.

Is there anyone that can tell if something is photoshopped or not?

I'm new at video editing and photoshopping myself, but I'd say it's fake and it's edited there. Here's why:

1. It never shows the reindeer enter through the door, it's like suddenly he's there.
2. Santa is moving smoothly around the room until the reindeer appears. Then it gets a lot more jerky.
3. The shadows don't match up perfectly the entire time.
4. Around 1:14, there are blurs above the reindeer, like it was filmed somewhere else, and then some of the background wasn't cut out completely.
5. His nose lights up at 1:14. That's proof that video editing tools were being used for sure.
