Hi all,
I have tif images of ancient incised clay tablets which were photographed in the 1970s with a side light source, usually from the left.
What I want to know is whether it is possible for PS to determine(or be told) the original light source, and then allow me to move the light source, thus changing the light and dark areas.
Many of these tablets are poorly preserved and difficult to read, I hope that by changing the light source, shapes may reveal themselves which help show the intention of the scribe.
I have already used PS to sharpen and invert the images which helps to throw certain features into a better focus. The Lighting effects available seem to me only to throw 'extra' light onto the image rather than taking the existing light source and changing it. Maybe it is naive of me to hope that such a thing is possible. Hopefully someone will be able to confirm.
I have attached a snippet as an example so you can see what I am talking about.

I have tif images of ancient incised clay tablets which were photographed in the 1970s with a side light source, usually from the left.
What I want to know is whether it is possible for PS to determine(or be told) the original light source, and then allow me to move the light source, thus changing the light and dark areas.
Many of these tablets are poorly preserved and difficult to read, I hope that by changing the light source, shapes may reveal themselves which help show the intention of the scribe.
I have already used PS to sharpen and invert the images which helps to throw certain features into a better focus. The Lighting effects available seem to me only to throw 'extra' light onto the image rather than taking the existing light source and changing it. Maybe it is naive of me to hope that such a thing is possible. Hopefully someone will be able to confirm.
I have attached a snippet as an example so you can see what I am talking about.