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Is being expert in photoshop a god gift same as singer and dancer?


Hi, I try things but i never feel that i made for these things for example i played hockey for 2 years i practice very hard seriously but i never feel i am the one who will become pro and now i am doing IM and i start doing some coding in CSS and HTML it has been 2 year and i feel i can never become a good programmer or designer might be will become a little better than a noob because of hard work i spent learning things.

Now this photoshop, Even i want to learn photoshop for helping myself in web designing and IM but when i see someone else photoshop creating it just break my hope. I feel i can never do that.

Ok I know some of guy here might try to motivate me and going to tell don't take yourself down etc

But I want to know truth. I can't draw anything good in real life(drawing on hard paper) so how i can create something in photoshop?

Is it possible for me to create such artwork if i am not good in drawing on hard paper or not a painter?
Photoshop can be used in many different ways. For example, good drawing skills were probably quite important in creating the first image you posted. However, my guess is that NO drawing skills whatsoever were needed to create your 2nd and 3rd images because they are (most likely) composites (using PS) of existing images.

That being said, while one does not need to have good drawing skills to become an expert in many aspects of PS, what does help is having a good, artistic appreciation for good composition, for appropriate colors and shading, for reasonable type fonts and styles, etc. This sort of material is taught in several different types of courses ranging from art appreciation to graphics design courses. Without these latter skills, IMHO, one would be very limited in how far one can progress in PS as a career.


Tom M
It may not be a popular answer, but I will not lie to you..............yes.......you have to have some underlying artistic talent. Photoshop is just a tool, it's not a magic program that gives you artistic talent, that you have to have on your own.

It takes patience, practice, and constant perseverance to even learn Photoshop. It becomes a skill, having the talent to apply the skill is a whole different matter.

Having said this, it's a wonderful program that will allow pretty much anyone to create some impressive works. If you enjoy creating and your not too hard on yourself and constantly comparing your work to others, I say jump right in and have fun. But if your miserable because you feel your work never stacks up, you could possibly grow very frustrated which would be an exercise in futility. Remember, no matter how good you are, there will always be someone better.

As in music, not everyone has the same taste. As long as you can produce work that meets the expectations of your potential clients, then you can be content and happy with your work.
After reading you both of answer i can clam down and stop trying to be a artist but tell me what part of photoshop is for non artist persons. I want to be really good in that part. I mean i want create my own patterns and other graphics stuff for my website rather then relying on other I want create logos, Want to make funny picture. In which side i should focus. I can only do hard work on that part but can't create a real art pics :(

Posting some more pics. Do these pics are artist creating or anyone can create such pics by practicing in photoshop.
Could you please tell me where should i start learning photoshop to create such picture i posted above. Till now i watch random tutorials on youtube and on random sites. Is not there any specific place where i can get most of or all the stuff. Should i buy any book? I want something organized so i can start with A and end on Z. Right now i am learning random things i do not know which thing i should learn first and what after it.
The first 3 images........ works of art by Kolesov, Almas and Dranikowski..... all graphic artists in their own right.

And they didn't develop their skills in a year or 2. It took years of perseverance and devotion to their craft for them to get where they are now.

Everyone can draw. it's just that the skill level differs from one person to another. In the same manner you taught yourself hockey and coding, I'm sure you can teach yourself to draw.

But why worry you can't draw? It's not a prerequisite in order to get into the graphic design business. It's what you do on a computer that counts. Others here have said it - Photoshop is a tool and an extension of your artistic talent.

And why are you comparing your talent with that of the artists who created the images you're posting That is their god-given talent. This is you with the talent god gave you. Work on what you are, improve where you need to improve - practice, drill and rehearse .

And above all, Believe in yourself.
Could you please tell me where should i start learning photoshop to create such picture i posted above. Till now i watch random tutorials on youtube and on random sites. Is not there any specific place where i can get most of or all the stuff. Should i buy any book? I want something organized so i can start with A and end on Z. Right now i am learning random things i do not know which thing i should learn first and what after it.

Your lesson begins when you fire up your PS application in your computer. What's the point of trying and going straight into creating art like the one's you've posted if you don't know the basics? You don't even know the basic tools of the program and what they do..

Don't jump into Yuotube videos and "How to create" tutorials just yet. The basics of Photoshop is the most important thing. Depending on what PS version you have, get a book that teaches the basics. I suggest looking into the books of Scott Kelby - the Guru of Photoshop.
One more thing.... Those artists I mentioned in my initial post..... They do not limit themselves to just Photoshop. They have other graphic tools in their arsenal to create those works.

Lesson 2 ...... Look into other graphic programs that can assist you in your line of specialization.
hmm I have CS6 and I found these books by scott kelby -

Professional Portrait Retouching Techniques for Photographers Using PhotoshopThe Digital Photography Book, parts 1, 2, 3, and 4
Light It, Shoot It, Retouch It: Learn Step by Step How to Go from
Empty Studio to Finished Image
Scott Kelby’s 7-Point System for Adobe Photoshop CS3
The iPhone Book
The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 Book for Digital Photographers
Photoshop Down & Dirty Tricks
The Photoshop Elements Book for Digital Photographers
Photo Recipes Live: Behind the Scenes: Your Guide to Today’s
Most Popular Lighting Techniques, parts 1 & 2

These book kinda look for photographers. I have little knowledge about photoshop tools. I think i should start from beginning again. Could you please pick me a right book which i should start reading.
Or any other writer you think will be good for a person like me.
and remembering Photoshop is a tool. It's good at lots of things one can do with it besides make "works of art". It's purpose in life is to edit Photographs. Many many people make a good living with it editing and correcting photos for various things such as the fashion and modeling industry. It is an excellent tool for restoration of old or damaged photos. It is used extensively for making the color separations for the printing industry and on and on. Don't put yourself into a box by worrying about your artistic ability, learn the program and all of it's wonderful capabilities and I guarantee you that you will find your niche. Good luck!
Don't just read....you also need to look and see what trips YOUR trigger.....not mine or dv8_fx's or Sams.......just YOU!!!

Now you know what you like, go look for more of it......Once you get an idea fixed in your mind, fire up PS......Now if you have little knowledge, start you tubing tut's...watch and PLAY....suddenly you find some tools and ideas...the rest is up to you
