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Introducing the Emperor


I have come to the forums here to offer work (as can be seen in the Freelance section).

I mostly write fantasy medieval fiction with an MGTOW bent, and have a blog which has currently been read in over 90 countries. I generally mirror Murtaugh's famous sentiment, as I am too old for this... you know.

I look forward to working with other artists here. Your medium is the canvas/rendering software, mine is the page; but I sincerely believe that "the farmer and the cowhand should be friends" (to quote a play that is likely too old for all of you).

Thanks for reading.
Hi EmperorLuBu and welcome to PSG!

It's great to have you here and thanks for giving our PSG freelance members an opportunity to help you out on your project!
Thanks for the welcome, IamSam!

The site (which I've set to "Dark" <-- best thus far, IMHO) has a very nice, professional layout - and all the "required reading" isn't as voluminous as one would expect. It has been a pleasure thus far. I look forward to working with the like-minded artists that I have no doubt are here.

As always, thanks for reading.
