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Introducing ITechnology and myself


Hello everyone,
I'm not as much of concerned about introducing myself as of my new YouTube channel where I now tend to put time in. The channel is about teaching you how to use Adobe software programs, for now: Flash and Photoshop. I'm "qualified" for basic and advanced level, however decided on starting off with basic lessons as the beginning to see how it goes. I have a little hard time on being seen by others but as you could see the amount of views - I'm trying my best. If you are interested or don't mind spending a minute to watch through the videos, like or subscribe to my channel, please do. Thank you in advance!

I cannot upload links, but I'm sure you would find the channel if you enter the code below in "Search" on youtube:


Hope you like it:)
Oh man welcome to the forum another person that will just come and go once they realise spamming external media does not work here.

You are damaging your channel more than doing good by doing this. Going around to every public site like here and yahoo answers reddit etc and posting youtube channels will just put you in spam by google itself and yes google is youtube so if their search engines are classifying you as spam then they wont exactly make your videos come top of the list.

Photoshop Gurus is highly ranked with google and people like you are going to start making us loose points if we carry on allowing this spam. You do not think it is spam but search bots will because your copying and pasting the same posts and putting them on other sites. Secondly do you know why you have that such long bunch of letters and numbers for your channel name. So google can see exactly where your spamming it to evaluate your internet activity before ranking you. it will see how often you have pasted it on sites and rank you based on spam on valid link clicks.

Slow it down and at least learn youtube and set up a custom URL so that google can see your not a bot as such but taken the initiative to learn their tools I will make it easy for you. https://www.youtube.com/account_advanced

We have many people trying to achieve exactly what your doing and theoretically it should work out well for you with our such good standing with google you will get a white linkback hence boosting your google search results as we are trusted and reputable at the time of writing this.

However people do not take the time to learn the ways of the community and appreciate the value this site can do for someone like yourself. your other post on your tutorials will not really do you any good there is no info there and no one will go to the effort to find out what the video is.

Use the insert video icon to embed youtube videos to the thread people will more likely start the video that way then just navigate away secondly post a description of the tutorial in the thread alongside a picture as to what your achieving, not many people will sit through a video for 5 mins before they know exactly what they are doing it for.

and lastly get to know the community you may only be here to promote your youtube channel fair enough we get people do this every week and when it fails they don't come back. Get to know the majority of our members to see what level they are at. Posting videos answering peoples questions are likely to get you more views than just posting random videos.

You say you are qualified to teach basic to advanced photoshop and flash awesome is that adobe certified trainer, degree in teaching graphic and web design, degree in teaching in general or just you saying you are qualified to teach. If you do actually have qualifications then places like digital Tutors, kelby training and lynda.com are always looking for people to make videos for them so if you are at that level get a few videos on there that will give you a wider audience and a reputation of producing high quality tutorials.
What's the point in even answering this thread why don't you just delete the obvious spam?
Because I am deleting threads like this to often maybe this 1 will learn from it I think we are re evaluating rules for posting external site and youtube then maybe we can make a sticky you know clare loves making them...
