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Introducing Content-Aware Crop: Coming Soon to Photoshop CC

Sam's comment is particularly applicable in this case because, as far as I can tell, for the past couple of years, one could do exactly what the new tool is going to do merely by selecting the empty areas around the edges of the rotated image, and then doing a content aware fill on them. It takes no more than a couple of extra mouse clicks to do it this way, and, in addition, the old way gives one the ability to tweak the fills in the individual corners / edges if the first fill doesn't work out too well.


Sam's comment is particularly applicable in this case because, as far as I can tell, for the past couple of years, one could do exactly what the new tool is going to do merely by selecting the empty areas around the edges of the rotated image, and then doing a content aware fill on them. It takes no more than a couple of extra mouse clicks to do it this way, and, in addition, the old way gives one the ability to tweak the fills in the individual corners / edges if the first fill doesn't work out too well.
Exactly! They just automated a process that the program was already capable of doing with just a few extra steps. No help really.
1. Rotate the image using whatever tool you want (...I prefer the actual image rotate command, but whatever...).

2. Then, select one of the four empty triangular areas around the rotated image. You can do this in many ways. One of the easiest is to:

a) Click on the thumbnail for that layer in the layers palette - that selects the rotated version of the image; then,

b) Hit control-shift-I (to invert the selection and select all 4 empty areas);

c) Then quickly run a freehand lasso (in "intersection" mode, no feathering) around whichever of the 4 triangles you want to work on.

3. Now that you have the desired area selected, a nice enhancement to the process is to make the selected area slightly larger. I typically use the selection/modify/expand command to do this. Typically, I only expand it a few pixels, at most.

4. Finally, use the edit/fill (content-aware) to fill that section. If the nearby area is fairly featureless (eg, the sky), this usually works on the first shot. If the nearby areas have some well defined texture (eg, grass or trees) or a gradient, you might have to fuss with it a bit (eg, break it down into smaller sections) to get a more believable fill.

To make sure I didn't miss any steps, I just went over to my PS computer and followed the above steps. The total time it took was about 10 seconds.

My guess is that the result of the above process will probably be identical to what the proposed new tool will do.


Tom M
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