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After Effects Intro needed


Active Member
hi its mr hawkins speaking

i wanted to ask would you be willing to make me a intro for my youtube channel using this intro of Supernatural season 7 intro template its on youtube but the forum wont let me post links yet if you could look it up it would be great

but changing the words to MrDeadlyMatt

i am hoping you can help me out with it
Are you willing to pay for this service, or are you hoping that someone will do it for free for you?

That being said, in either case, you will need to supply a LOT more information.

Also, one final bit of advice: the use of at least some punctuation will help you get your ideas across much more accurately and efficiently, and is expected in professional dealings.

Tom M
i cant afford to pay for the service so i am hoping some one could do it for free
videos is here all i want is the name in the video changed to MrDeadlyMatt Presents
i canot post links but the intro i want my name replaced on youtube the exact name of the video is [h=1]Supernatural Season 7 Intro HD[/h]
Mr. Hawkins...

The forum prefers to instruct rather than do image edits. Someone may want to do this for you but there's no guarantee. Most especially that what you ask requires a lot of time and thought on doing a video.
is there another forum or someone who might do this i cant do this as i dont have the money
and i really need a intro for my youtube
Dear OP - You may want to consider a simpler video intro or other options. More people would probably be willing to donate their time if it was less complicated. If you can't pay, you should consider offering some other sort of incentive, e.g. credits.

Tom M
Hi Tom what i do is when i do a video in my credites i will have intro by and other people who helped in my videos
if its quicker a intro with black background saying MrDeadlyMatt Presents

with like a mist smoke fx over it if possible what ever is quick and easy and is less of a pain

OK. I'm not a video guy, but your notice will stay up and someone who can do the work AND who is willing to do it for free may respond. However, as dv8 said, we are primarily an instructional forum, so if you want to do it yourself, you will likely have many more people who would be willing to guide you through the steps.

I doubt someone would do it for free. Nowadays you can just buy a template from places like Videohive. I believe that some Authors there are willing to customize the template to your specifications for a fee. That is the easiest commercial course of action to take.
