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Hey, how is this edge with a depth made?
That gray seems a level below the main texture without being to much.

I've tried bevel,stroke...it becomes to hard and not subtle.

btw,I can't make a rounded(feather) edge without it becoming blurry when I fill it(uncheching anti aliasing doesn't work) Round edges get's blurry while 90* straight don't.


  • Original.png
    180.5 KB · Views: 33
it looks like it was beveled sligtly (low range) and then it had a texture set on darken above it.
So 2 layers on top of eachother? 1x with a black colour set on low bevel and 1x with a texture on top with layer style darken?

I can't get the shape to be crisp edges though,I need it to be feather 1...but then it becomes blurry.


  • blurry.png
    65.6 KB · Views: 26
yeah sort of, just play around with blending and masks.
have you tried the smooth edge in the refine edge menu?
Ok. Thanks.
Yeah but nothing works.

The instant I fill an box that has rounded edges it's not sharp like a rectangular square.
The more rounded edged box,the blurrier.


  • erghmj.png
    101.4 KB · Views: 26
The selection itself is clear so I don't understand why it doesn't just fill it alle the way to the edges with no smoothness
box softedge max.jpg
so you cant get an edge like that ^ is what you are trying to say?
that's a smooth edge no feather refining btw

sorry if i'm not understanding, i'm pretty braindead atm
The selection itself is clear so I don't understand why it doesn't just fill it alle the way to the edges with no smoothness

But the purpose of a feather is not to change a shape per se, but to do exactly what you are seeing, soften the edge and do a kind of gradient. If yo want a rounded edged rectangle, use the shape tool like Zeealex did. Not entirely certain I understand what you need to know.
i DON'T want a smooth edge,I want a clear. The shape tool gives me that clear edge but I don't have the same freedom to make a selection like the rectangular tool.adding and substraction selections.
Filling it always makes it a smooth edge. I guess there's no way of making a rectangular selection with round edges then.
I guess this is where the pen tool comes in handy (which I don't know how to use;P)

I'm gonna re-skin that skin. How would you make that shape which is light grey?
why don't you try to double your layer and gaussian blur as tiny as you wish the layer under the fine edges, and it will tiny soften your edges.

Or try a mask and feather under the mask tool, see what you can have as different results. Hope it helps or maybe I got all wrong !

I want a rectangular shape with round corners and sharp edges (not snooth)

What I really need is to cut out the shape I want and fill it.
yes pen with anchor ;-) or combine a layer with a square then make another layer over it with eclipse match them to the corner of your square then merge your layers, if you are not comfy with anchor pen tool ;-) Hope this help as an idea ;-) Good luck
Good Ideas thanks!
Know of any good tutorials on GUI's? Shapes,buttons,skins
Hi Composer

Tried something, and this is what i got so far


after blurring a bit the image as other members have done before, just created a selection 1-2 px smaller than all your shape size, then duplicated the layer and lastly applied sharpen unsharp mask until get a desired semi sharp edges.

Also attached .PSD file as reference.

Hope this helps



Thank you...but any idea how to make the edges slant downwards? That it looks indented. Create a crooked egde.
