Here's another Instant techniques I've played around with...
1. File > New (Any Size, I used 500.250 px), Any background,
2. Choose a rather small-sized Soft Edges brush. (I used 21px),
3. Open up Brushes Pallete,
4. You can uncheck the Shape Dynamics it doesn't matter,
5. Scattering, Scatter 280% Control Off. Leave the others at default,
6. Texture Now this is up to you, pick any pattern that suits you the most. I picked the default Bubble Pattern.
7. Ok back to the document, Create a New Layer
8. Paint using your newly created brush using black as Foreground color, OMG Bulletholes! [saywhat]
9. Ain't finished yet, duplicate your current layer
10. Invert it (Ctrl + I)
11. Nudge the inverted layer 1 px down and 1 px right (depending on your lightsource)
12. Load Layer 1's transparency (Ctrl + click Layer 1)
13. Select Layer 1 Copy (The Inverted Layer) and press Delete
14. Bulletholes!! [saywhat]
15. Optional: Filter > Sharpen > Unsharp Mask both layers, play around with the settings
PS: Of course, play around with the brush settings and textures..
Here's a picture link:Instant Bulletholes
I hope this is useful in someway
1. File > New (Any Size, I used 500.250 px), Any background,
2. Choose a rather small-sized Soft Edges brush. (I used 21px),
3. Open up Brushes Pallete,
4. You can uncheck the Shape Dynamics it doesn't matter,
5. Scattering, Scatter 280% Control Off. Leave the others at default,
6. Texture Now this is up to you, pick any pattern that suits you the most. I picked the default Bubble Pattern.
7. Ok back to the document, Create a New Layer
8. Paint using your newly created brush using black as Foreground color, OMG Bulletholes! [saywhat]
9. Ain't finished yet, duplicate your current layer
10. Invert it (Ctrl + I)
11. Nudge the inverted layer 1 px down and 1 px right (depending on your lightsource)
12. Load Layer 1's transparency (Ctrl + click Layer 1)
13. Select Layer 1 Copy (The Inverted Layer) and press Delete
14. Bulletholes!! [saywhat]
15. Optional: Filter > Sharpen > Unsharp Mask both layers, play around with the settings
PS: Of course, play around with the brush settings and textures..
Here's a picture link:Instant Bulletholes
I hope this is useful in someway