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Instant Bulletholes


Here's another Instant techniques I've played around with...

1. File > New (Any Size, I used 500.250 px), Any background,
2. Choose a rather small-sized Soft Edges brush. (I used 21px),
3. Open up Brushes Pallete,
4. You can uncheck the Shape Dynamics it doesn't matter,
5. Scattering, Scatter 280% Control Off. Leave the others at default,
6. Texture Now this is up to you, pick any pattern that suits you the most. I picked the default Bubble Pattern.
7. Ok back to the document, Create a New Layer
8. Paint using your newly created brush using black as Foreground color, OMG Bulletholes! [saywhat]
9. Ain't finished yet, duplicate your current layer
10. Invert it (Ctrl + I)
11. Nudge the inverted layer 1 px down and 1 px right (depending on your lightsource)
12. Load Layer 1's transparency (Ctrl + click Layer 1)
13. Select Layer 1 Copy (The Inverted Layer) and press Delete
14. Bulletholes!! [saywhat]
15. Optional: Filter > Sharpen > Unsharp Mask both layers, play around with the settings :righton:

PS: Of course, play around with the brush settings and textures.. :righton:
Here's a picture link:Instant Bulletholes

I hope this is useful in someway ;)
;) Tx for sharing deelo!
Gaussian, ;)
Maybe I should try this bulletholes on some of Mark's grunge background :D
Maybe I should try this bulletholes on some of Mark's grunge background
:righton: Great idea deelo!
... there I was, in the ute, negotiating the wet, slippery track during some heavy rain ... when up pops a rabbit from behind a bush :shocked: .... geesh, a blokes lucky to be alive :bustagut: :bustagut:
Hi There Folks!


to create realistic bulletholes assuming that so many bulletholes indicates the use of an automatic weapon...if firing in short bursts....(the way you were trained namvet) the first round strikes where you aim and it is natural for the subsequent rounds to strike up and to the right...

The bolt assembly twists forward and to the right as it cycles live rounds through the system! Thus causing the muzzle of your weapon to rise to the right!!!

Just a little realism!

Ian... great pic/example of deelo's tutorial!!!! :righton:

[saywhat] :bustagut: And now ranger is getting "technical" on ya [innocent] ... well just put your money where your mouth is guru! [:I ;)
thanks Wendy (wbiss) ... am making good use of the new camera :)

... well yer right ranger .. I only saw one rabbit .. but after looking at the damage on the ute I figure there must have been several rabbits and they were using semi autos :D ... I wonder what the result would have been had it only been one rabbit with an M60 ( [sly] test [sly] ) :bustagut:
ranger72 said:
Hi There Folks!


to create realistic bulletholes assuming that so many bulletholes indicates the use of an automatic weapon...if firing in short bursts....(the way you were trained namvet) the first round strikes where you aim and it is natural for the subsequent rounds to strike up and to the right...

The bolt assembly twists forward and to the right as it cycles live rounds through the system! Thus causing the muzzle of your weapon to rise to the right!!!

Just a little realism!


It was a 60 on a tripod.
Damn it's a pretty ROCKS tips and tricks !

So fast So easy So Usefull !
U put a bullet in the middle ! ;)

Thx m8 for sharing with us :righton:
