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Inspiration and motivation to design


Hello friends!

I've looked on the internet for some different ways to get more inspiration to start on new projects and improve my skills.
Got some ideas along the way, some were really bad once i started working in PS, just a very few came out as good ideas.

I look at the work of other designers to get inspiration, yet trying not to 'copy' it.

I'm wondering where do you guys (designers) get your inspiration from?
Thought it might be a nice discussion to start and to help out other users.

What are your thoughts about this?
Please share them :)
As a designer or artist you have to work on your own 'style and look' and try to hone it permanently .
This process can take years to produce 'good' results.

Though it's a fact that artists or designers compare with other artist's work. It is all available and easy to find in the net these days.
This doesn't mean that you just try to copy a design you like. But I'm sure it's good thing if you got inspired by others work.
It's perfectly legal to pick up an idea of someone and develop your own design on the basis of that idea.
Your creation will not be a copy because it has it's own style, your style and your own 'artists fingerprint' all over it.

OK, then there are non creative periods where you sit in front of an empty white canvas for hours. We all experience this phenomenon
from time to time. It' depressing and frustrating, and you feel worthless and untalented. But then all of a sudden you got hit by
an idea out of nowhere, and you can't stop working on it till you finished your piece. Doesn't this sound familiar to you?
And isn't it a great feeling to ride the big wave for a short time?

Thanks for sharing Chris!

Think i should be working on creating my own style indeed, so i won't be copying ideas from other designers 😁
