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In need of retouching tutorials for food...


New Member
I'm after some very specific photoshop retouching tutorials and wonder if any are available online. The internet is inundated with tutorials of beauty and glamour but I can't find any for food. I work as a retail packaging artworker and would like to enhance my portfolio with some retouching examples. So can anyone point me in the direction of some FOOD retouching tutorials?
Thanks for you help dv8 but can you actually see any retouching tutorials amongst all the links you've suggested. I trawled the internet for about an hour before posting this and I found all of these myself.
I wish I could.... but my broadband connection speed is at a crawl and I haven't topped up yet. If not, I can check my other collection of tutorial links. I know I got a few but dey canna load capn... hehehe... darn. lol
