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image within image

  • Unlock layer
  • Select Pen Tool
  • Select shapes in option bar
  • Trace image with Pen Tool
  • When done, select in menu Layer/vector Mask/Current Path
Here's another way the shape on it's own layer....copy the photo to the new window, ( the one with the spade ) hit Ctrl > G ps 7 and cs or Ctrl > Alt > G pscs2 pscs3 and this is what you'll get
matelin said:
Ahhhh!!! thats what I am looking for! ok let me try what you did. Thank you very much!

Well actually I was wrong, I didn't read well (sorry for that), because you actually want a second image to be projected inside another image, in that case use Ronmatt's solution of a clipping layer (see example).
Always glad to be of assistants. 8)) I think that this is one of the few PS forums where you can actually get some help.
