Nope, no easy shortcuts is right. Not when your object is on such an angle.
Just for the sake of doing it, i've outlined a method i'd use for this. Folks that may not be familiar with this effect can then see just how much work needs to go into it.
Duplicate the main photo layer, move it below the original, shifting it down to sit right below the original object. What you'll see is that you'll need to align the one corner that hangs down the farthest.
Use the polygon lasso to select the top of the component that won't be seen in the reflection, and delete this
part. Then select the front and side panels separately and copy them to their own layers (ctrl+j).
Use the Distort/Skew tool to align the ends of the panels to the bottom of the original object.
Zoom right into the dial and tag on the front and using the lasso tool select around these, real tight, and copy them to their own layer. You can select each at a time or both at once, it's up to you.
Now use the polygon lasso tool and select the areas just right of the dial and label tag. Copy this selection to another layer. Then position these parts to cover the original dial and label tag.
Now make sure you move the duplicate dial and label tag layer above the layer you just used to hide the original dial/tag with. Then using the lasso tool (if both object are on the same layer), position the duped dial and label tag to where they should be for the reflection image. (see the reflection in my last example image)
When you have this all worked out and ready, link these reflection layers together and create a new Group from them. Then apply the opacity reduction and fade out effects. (via a layer mask and a large soft brush)
Not a real quick method, but the shortest it can be in this situation.
Any questions just ask.
I have the PSD file for this if anyone feels the need to examine it. Just email me.