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I'm new


Retired Moderator
Hello everybody. I'm new and my English isn't what it should be but I'm doing the best I can.
I'm retired now and have lots of time.
Graphicly I started long ago with CorelDraw version 3 (yes, the era of dinosaurs).
I wasn't pleased with the results of CorelPaint.
Since about a month I recived a version of Photoshop CS5 from a friend who ownes a lettershopand upgraded to CC.
Well, I can only say that I have a lot to learn and I hope to do his with this forum.
Welcome Eggy.

At least you started during the the age of dinos. I started with the Primordial Soup days of the Corel Draw 1.2 .... lol...

Lots of time PLUS lots to learn EQUALS loads of fun and art to create. You're in good company.

Browse through everything you see here and don'e hesitate to ask questions. We're here to help you out.

