Hello everybody.
sorry I don't know if this section is for discussion or not.anyway..
I started learning Photoshop from about 2 years..now I'm 25 years old and last year I finished uni..so I really wanna be graphics designer...but I'm confused...which the best field for me ?.(Logos-Web-Prints-Brochures-Books covers......).I wanna put specific target toward me!...To learn it more..I started with Logos..and i have few designs in this field..but it's too hard to make the client accept your design "especially that I'm freelancer and work at home"..my competitors are professionals!!...so i felt bad toward getting job in Logos design..now I'm interested in Photos Manipulation..it's very interesting..but...how can i use it in work??...designers use manipulation for ex. in books covers ?...or what ?
My problem is that i wanna be freelancer..but idk how can i get job?..and which field has more luck.
Sorry I asked about many things and my English is bad
..Hope i can find help here
sorry I don't know if this section is for discussion or not.anyway..
I started learning Photoshop from about 2 years..now I'm 25 years old and last year I finished uni..so I really wanna be graphics designer...but I'm confused...which the best field for me ?.(Logos-Web-Prints-Brochures-Books covers......).I wanna put specific target toward me!...To learn it more..I started with Logos..and i have few designs in this field..but it's too hard to make the client accept your design "especially that I'm freelancer and work at home"..my competitors are professionals!!...so i felt bad toward getting job in Logos design..now I'm interested in Photos Manipulation..it's very interesting..but...how can i use it in work??...designers use manipulation for ex. in books covers ?...or what ?
My problem is that i wanna be freelancer..but idk how can i get job?..and which field has more luck.
Sorry I asked about many things and my English is bad
