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I'm confused and I need help.


Well-Known Member
Hello everybody.
sorry I don't know if this section is for discussion or not.anyway..

I started learning Photoshop from about 2 years..now I'm 25 years old and last year I finished uni..so I really wanna be graphics designer...but I'm confused...which the best field for me ?.(Logos-Web-Prints-Brochures-Books covers......).I wanna put specific target toward me!...To learn it more..I started with Logos..and i have few designs in this field..but it's too hard to make the client accept your design "especially that I'm freelancer and work at home"..my competitors are professionals!!...so i felt bad toward getting job in Logos design..now I'm interested in Photos Manipulation..it's very interesting..but...how can i use it in work??...designers use manipulation for ex. in books covers ?...or what ?

My problem is that i wanna be freelancer..but idk how can i get job?..and which field has more luck.

Sorry I asked about many things and my English is bad :)..Hope i can find help here

Do you have a portfolio or some place where someone can see your works? that way we can see how good are your photoshop skills
Website, Portfolio, photojournalism / marketing degree.

The good old days are gone, no more darkroom cleaning, loading holders or mags. learn the trade with your extra skills, get the paper, then work for experience..if you have talent and patience you will get found.
Thank you both for replays.

JMark: I already wanna make blog to show my designs...but I need to make more designs ..Plus I think that I have to add another sections to my blog plus my designs section.for example sections for tutorials and another for talking about design and Photoshop...etc..so this issue need preparation..and I started to upload my work on my Twitter account.

MikeMc: Your comment is little mysterious:wink:..but as i understood you talking about that I have to design everything and try more with clients and if I have talent I will get job even if after long time ?..
Actually I love logos design and photo manipulation more than anything else...I don't know how can I work with photo manipulation in the life[FONT=arial, sans-serif].[/FONT]
Having a portfolio or displaying your work in a website is meaningless. With all the design portfolios out there , recognition will be slow.

Going back to the classroom to earn the degree is a way to go. But the field of design is wide - there's ADVERTISING , GRAPHIC DESIGN , COMMUNICATION DESIGN , INDUSTRIAL DESIGN not to mention it's many sub categories. I suggest you visit design schools in your area in order to select a field that interests you. You can try the online courses offered by leading and reputed Designs schools like The Art Institute.... http://www.artinstitutes.edu/ ...

At your age, you may want to start earning. Going into FREELANCE at this point in time is like going into battle with a slingshot against machine guns. You have to learn the ropes.

I was scanning Graphic Design opportunities in your area and the job qualifications are high. No point in looking for employment as a designer for a graphics company considering your experience is limited. But if you seek employment in the sales department of a graphics design outfit, you EARN at the same time LEARN the ins and outs of the trade.

In the event you go into freelance design business for yourself .... ABOVE ALL, DO NOT - limit yourself to doing freelance from home by scanning the freelance sections in the internet or waiting for business to fall into your lap.

I don't mean to rib our freelancers here but this is REAL BUSINESS LIFE were talking about. Consider yourself blessed if you can regularly find GOOD PAYING BUSINESS via internet. Most of the time, you're paid peanuts. And if the money you make is small in comparison to your efforts, you might lose interest.

GO OUT and meet REAL, PAYMASTER clients. Friends, relatives... their friends and relatives . Start small. And build from the opportunities you find.

I give you the above advices because that was how I started ... minus the education part. I majored in Business management . worked in a graphics company in the sales department and got hooked to the design part that I took it from there and went on , hands on learning . After a few months , I proved to my boos I can be a designer and he transferred me to the design department. When the company crashed in the economic meltdown of 1996, I decided to go on my own, specializing in copy writing, design for print and advertising media as well as architectural design renders.

And doing it to this day - feeding my family, upkeeping my social life and sending my daughter to formal design school. In a way, I envy her... I went through the school of hard knocks. She's much better than me ... but I'm still better than her in Photoshop and other apps...... lol. She calls me now and then about PS and Corel problems.

Which goes back to - EDUCATION / DEGREE.

Your call.........
Thank you both for replays.

MikeMc: Your comment is little mysterious:wink:..but as i understood you talking about that I have to design everything and try more with clients and if I have talent I will get job even if after long time ?..
Actually I love logos design and photo manipulation more than anything else...I don't know how can I work with photo manipulation in the life.

Sorry..What I meant is as dv8_fx said...get the education and use your PS skills along with your education. Back in the days of silver, many got the door opened by being a photo asst...to a working pro, who would pass the skills on.Then if you were lucky, a break occured...Today you have to open the door...keep working, if you love this, you will make it.
Today you have to open the door...keep working, if you love this, you will make it.

This is very true. You have to love this line of work , and believe you CAN.

It's very different if you were just an employee - punch in, report to the graphics diewrecktore and do the design as told.

For a freelance designer, you are a one man company and the path is full of pitfalls - not can be full.... IT IS FULL .

If you can't stomach it, if you can't find the silver lining in your failures, you've chosen the wrong career .
