Coming to show off my latest creation again
Now I know, it is a simple retouch, and it took my only 2,5 hours. But I really like the outcome. What do you guys think? As always your honest opinion is much appriciated 

Credits and stock images
Model by charligal-stock link: http://charligal-stock.deviantart.com/art/Syllienna-stock-1-410614126
Snowy Mountains by ARTek92 link: http://artek92.deviantart.com/art/Snowy-mountains-184936798
The eyes by Pav02 link: http://pav02.deviantart.com/art/Eye-80861106
Hair brushes by Falln-stock link: http://falln-stock.deviantart.com/art/Hair-Brushes-Set-6-92731728
And for those interested, I recorded it too:
Coming to show off my latest creation again

Credits and stock images
Model by charligal-stock link: http://charligal-stock.deviantart.com/art/Syllienna-stock-1-410614126
Snowy Mountains by ARTek92 link: http://artek92.deviantart.com/art/Snowy-mountains-184936798
The eyes by Pav02 link: http://pav02.deviantart.com/art/Eye-80861106
Hair brushes by Falln-stock link: http://falln-stock.deviantart.com/art/Hair-Brushes-Set-6-92731728
And for those interested, I recorded it too: