I really like this artist's style and want to try to make some of my own images with a similar effect. Anyone know how I could do that with Ps?
Im mainly interested in achieving the fuzzy and grainy effect and also the way that the colors are changed and the photo feels kind of glowy (mainly the first one). I also would like to know how to make graphics appear like the same effect in the second image with the bonsai but I'm really just looking to see if anyone knows how the general effect of the first two images could be created and manipulating color pallets of images. When I've tried in the past by using masks covering different color selections it has never looked really right. Thank you!

Im mainly interested in achieving the fuzzy and grainy effect and also the way that the colors are changed and the photo feels kind of glowy (mainly the first one). I also would like to know how to make graphics appear like the same effect in the second image with the bonsai but I'm really just looking to see if anyone knows how the general effect of the first two images could be created and manipulating color pallets of images. When I've tried in the past by using masks covering different color selections it has never looked really right. Thank you!