@Rich54 - That was a very good explanation. Thanks for sharing.
For me, there's simply not enough of a clear story being illustrated here. The image quality is poor and leaves far too much to interpretation as far as the content goes. It's not that I mind imagery that provokes thought, I just feel that if you have to put an excessive amount of thought into trying to figure out what the image is saying, then the artist has fallen a bit short. I really have no idea of what's going on in the image and I'm not comfortable speculating.
Having stated this, like Rich, I also concluded that this image had something to to with an addiction, maybe it was due to the watermarking of the upper image or the attempt at adding smoke and fire within the subject to the right. Is this Satan or as Rich suggests, a representation of himself? I'm not at all certain as to what the subject on the right is doing with his hands.
Also like Rich, I'm confused by the heart(s). Perhaps the addiction is ripping the heart from the subject on the left. Is the subject on the left holding his own heart? What's the second heart for?
Too many questions.
I also apologize for sounding harsh and critical. My advice would be to regroup and start again with a clear and well illustrated image. I'm not saying that your concept of demonstrating your idea is necessarily bad, it's the execution.
I'm also just trying to be honest.