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I need a skilled persons help


New Member
Hi my name is Oscar, and my brother has cancer. I found out last friday the doctors were 100% sure it was cancer, and yesterday i found out how serious and where it is. It's preety severe, so on monday he will start the strongest treatment avilable. What I want is to create hope for him, because he might die from this and he means the world to me. I want to take pictures of the hospital and photshop angels that are "watching" him and making sure he is ok all the time. I don't have pictures now but I can get some if anyone is interested to help me. Hopefully you take me seriousley.

So if anyone is interested please post, you would really make me happy if you could :)
Firstly sorry to hear of your brothers health issues, and secondly welcome to the site.

I am sure members will be willing to help out, post the images and let's see what happens mate.
Sorry to hear you brother is poorly Oscar.

I will help if I can. Post images and as Paul say we will see what happens.
Thank you Paul, well I'll take some pics next time I am allowed to see him. He is home for the weekend so going to the hospital isn't on my to do list. I'd rather enjoy what might be my only day for weeks to see him. But after that when his first treatment is over (2-3 from monday), and I'm allowed to visit again and I get to take some pics and post them here I will, you guys are very skilled. I have see. What you can do and It's really good :) Hopefully you can help me to
But thank you guys alot for replying, I'm sorry for not having the images. I really wanted to find someone serious and interested in doing this, just incase someone would photoshop something nasty or rude to troll me or make fun of my idea.
Let us know when you have some images my friend and we will get it done for you. Now get off the PC and get back with your bro :wink:

Take Care
Thank you :) Well it really means alot to me that you guys want to help. I will make a new post or update this one as soon as I snap a pic of his room, playroom and the hospitsl kitchen etc etc etc. Again thank you so much for listening and caring, oh and if you wondered hes going to Oslo Rikshospital, if you want to take a look. (I didn't find any images of his or any other rooms.)
Take care
Try to get non hospital pictures...Keep things Positive for him...We can do Angels...Even if we are not skilled.
