OK i did a quick little video showing some basics of making florals in Inkscape.
Please note this was done quick and more time and effort you cam make stunning floral designs in Inkscape.
During the video it is shown how to use the spiral tool. But when changing colors it fills the whole spiral, you can make the spiral in just the same why with pen tool, which will then only color the path/object you create.
You can also make the same shapes using the pencil tool, When using the pen tool you do not have to be precise as it smooths out the line for you. When using the pen tool click left mouse button where you want to start , drag out to the next point and whilst still holding the button pull and crate the cure, Once you have created the curve click the right mouse button and it will create your shape .
Look at the video and take note of the short cut keys, Some shortcuts below.
Zoom in and out, Hold left mouse button and use the mouse scroll wheel, or just press + to zoom in and - to room out.
Duplicate... This is just holding down the ctrl button on the key board and press D.
To change an object virticle just press V on the key board.
To change Horizontal, "yes to got it " just use H on the key board.
As the video was done quick the quality is poor but you can make it out.
There are plenty of Pro videos on Inkscape.. Check them out... you will be surprised at what you can do with it, if you all ready don't.